New UVC water trap disinfector tackles MDR bacteria danger zones
Infection-prevention specialist DDC Dolphin has launched new technology to stop the spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria in one of the most contaminated areas in hospitals.
Kanmed baby warmer available from Central Medical Supplies
Central Medical Supplies (CMS) is the sole UK distributor for the Kanmed Baby Warmer, which is clinically proven to help babies from 1000 grams maintain their core temperature and achieve normothermia.
New portal to streamline Faecal Immunochemical Testing
The Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) has revolutionised the colorectal cancer referral pathway with its quick and user-friendly nature, making it an easily integrated test for efficient patient triaging.
Poor awareness of risks associated with hiatus hernia
A new survey has revealed the overwhelming lack of knowledge about the causes and symptoms of hiatus hernia and chronic acid reflux in the UK. These results come despite the fact that 1 in 3 people aged over 50 have hiatus hernia and 13 million people suffer from chronic acid reflux.
50 years of design, engineering, and manufacturing expertise
DENPRO may be a new supplier to be listed onto the NHS Framework Agreement for PPE, but that doesn’t mean it is new to the industry. As a division of Denroy, one of the world’s leading innovators of high-tech, critical components for the aerospace, medical, defence and automotive industries, DENPRO has many strings to the bow.
MMM: protecting human health
To keep up with the ever-growing demand of state-of-the-art products, MMM's philosophy of growth through innovation plays a critical role in the development of its product range.
Incision Academy: Revolutionising Surgical Education and Training in the UK
Undergraduate surgical education in the UK faces significant challenges in preparing perioperative students for the operating theatre, further exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a solution exists in the form of Incision Academy.
The Importance of Fit Testing
FFP3 NR masks must provide maximum protection for every individual wearer. It cannot protect the wearer if it leaks. One of the key reasons for leaks is due to poor fit – a proper seal needs to be made to fit securely on the wearer’s face to ensure effectiveness.
Clinical trials set for boost as Cheshire healthcare business secures deal with American partner
EMS Healthcare, a leading mobile clinical research specialist, has announced a partnership with US-based EmVenio Research, with the aim of conducting commercial clinical trials via a network of mobile sites in this country.
TestCard launches ClearScreen on Roche’s Navify marketplace
TestCard signed a collaboration contract with Roche Diagnostics last year to see its scanning technology, ClearScreen, included on Roche’s open digital ecosystem, Navify Marketplace, available to healthcare professionals on Roche’s cobas®pulse system.
Whole blood critical care analyser produces rapid results
Prime Plus, from Nova Biomedical, is a comprehensive, whole blood critical care analyser that offers blood gases, electrolytes, metabolites, CO-Oximetry, and 34 calculated results, in a simple, compact device.
Launch of new and improved wet wipe range
Conti has been a market leader in personal hygiene solutions for over 40 years, and now the new and improved Conti Wet Wipes range is coming to market for June 2023.
New high-impact app for operating theatre teams
The operating theatre represents a complex environment where multiple team processes interact every day to achieve a highly coordinated and consistent outcome. Successful teamwide interactions, in turn, are underpinned by reliable information sharing and easy access to curated up-to-date resources. With the right systems in place to deliver the right information to the right people, surgical and perioperative teams are aligned and empowered to perform at their highest level.
Reinventing surgical instruments for all
The award-winning design of Aesculap® SQ.line® orthopaedic instruments considers the needs of both surgeons and Sterile Services Departments (SSDs).
Automated test for levels of BNP
Randox has released an automated test for levels of BNP, which is a protein made by your heart and blood vessels. Elevated levels of BNP are indicative of several comorbid conditions such as Congestive Heart Failure, Coronary Heart Disease, Atrial Fibrillation, Chronic Renal Failure and Chronic Respiratory Disease. It has additionally been shown to be associated with ischaemic stroke and pre-eclampsia.
Closing the medication administration loop
Every year in the UK, there are 273 million medication errors costing the healthcare system a staggering £98 million. The pressure of providing quality care is now at an all-time high, with record levels of bed occupancy and patient workloads in the NHS. Clinical teams are over-stretched with tasks.
World Clinical Trials Day signals rebrand for Cheshire healthcare business
EMS Healthcare, the UK’s largest mobile clinical research partner, has unveiled a new look, courtesy of a refreshed visual identity and new website designed to reflect the company’s ambitions.
Improving patients' hand hygiene
Improving patient hand hygiene has been shown to reduce the transmission of MRSA and respiratory viruses. Encouraging hand sanitisation twice a day for patients and their relatives reduced MRSA infections by 51% (Gagné et al, JHI, 2007). Cheng et al (JHI, 2007) showed similar results: where patients sanitised their hands every 4 hours to prevent respiratory virus infection outbreaks.
Upgraded hand wipe range proven to kill 99.999% of bacteria
In a world where maintaining hygiene has become more crucial than ever, PDI International has announced it has upgraded its range of Hygea hand wipes.
Next generation of hand disinfection
With hand hygiene high on the agenda on World Hand Hygiene Day, the focus is on solutions that combine enhanced efficacy with proven skin care for hand disinfection.
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