Kent launches new digital tools to transform elective recovery and patient care

Patients across Kent are set to benefit from a groundbreaking digital transformation aimed at improving prehabilitation and elective recovery.

UKHSA highlights pathogens of greatest risk to public health

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) has published its view on the pathogen families that could pose the greatest risk to public health, in a bid to focus and guide preparedness efforts against these threats.

Government-backed technologies to support those living with dementia

People living with dementia are set to benefit from government-backed research designed to help them live more independently in their own homes.

Quality assurance audit programme initiated by the Cavendish Review receives overhaul

​Skills for Health, the sector skills council for healthcare, has launched a new quality assurance audit service to replace its long running Quality Mark programme.

Twice as many men recover erectile function after improved prostate cancer surgery

A technique to improve the precision of prostate cancer surgery means that almost twice as many men preserve their erectile function compared to those undergoing standard surgery, according to results from a clinical trial led by researchers from UCL and UCLH.

Sheffield Hallam University students gain valuable experience with AfPP

Three third-year Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) students from Sheffield Hallam University have embarked on a three-week work placement with The Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP). The placement provides them with a unique opportunity to gain insight into the professional body that supports perioperative practitioners across the UK.

Crack teams get patients off waiting lists at twice the speed

A new government initiative to send top doctors to support hospital Trusts in areas where more people are out of work and waiting for treatment is cutting waiting lists faster, new data shows.

Guy's and St Thomas' forms strategic collaboration with US hospital

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust has formed a strategic partnership with US healthcare organisation Cedars-Sinai. The partnership between the leading academic medical institutions aims to combine expertise in patient care, leading edge research and medical innovation.

New mobile research units making it easier for people in coastal areas to be part of research

EMS Healthcare has supplied state-of-the-art mobile research units that are set to break down barriers to health and care research participation in two coastal regions of England.

Sheffield AI heart disease innovation transforming NHS care features on BBC Panorama

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is to feature in an episode of BBC Panorama highlighting examples of innovation which improve patient experience and care while also alleviating pressures in the NHS.

Does BMI become useless as we age?

New research to be presented at this year’s European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2025, Malaga, Spain, 11-14 May) shows that people with obesity at similar BMIs display significant differences in body composition in different body compartments according to their age group, such as higher body fat especially in central regions and lower muscle mass in arms and legs.

Sensory t-shirt collects patient data and enables shorter postoperative hospital stay

A t-shirt that monitors a patient’s vitals after urological surgery for cancer could help people return from hospital sooner to recover at home. The device, worn for around two weeks under clothes for three-hour windows each day, enabled patients to feel safer and more reassured than a control group in a pilot study of 70 individuals.

Research reveals NHS overreliance on doctors from “red list” countries, since Brexit

The NHS in England is increasingly relying on workers from countries with significant healthcare staffing shortages since EU recruitment became more difficult post-Brexit, instead of training and retaining enough domestic staff. Medicines companies are also warning of drug shortages more often.

Clinical trial begins for therapeutic innovation for respiratory infections

A phase I clinical trial for a ground-breaking therapeutic innovation against respiratory infections has begun at the Clinical Investigation Centre of the Academic Hospital of Tours, France. The drug ‘FLAMOD’ is a treatment which aims to stimulate the body’s own defences rather than directly target the bacteria.

Health Call announces acquisition by Northumbria Healthcare FT and targets national expansion

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has announced the acquisition of Health Call Solutions. Health Call, which provides the patient engagement platform (PEP) for five North-East acute Trusts, will become the first PEP supplier to be majority-owned by a single NHS provider.

Johnson & Johnson MedTech introduces recycling for all single-use products

Johnson & Johnson MedTech, a global leader in cardiovascular, orthopaedic, surgery and vision solutions, has unveiled its latest sustainability offer – a programme that allows the recycling of its entire MedTech single-use product portfolio across the UK.

First daily pill for endometriosis approved for NHS use

NICE has recommended the first long-term daily pill to treat endometriosis that could transform how this painful condition is managed. Around 1,000 women per year with endometriosis could benefit from the new treatment, which starts working more quickly than injectable alternatives and can be taken at home rather than at clinics.

InnoScot Health champions role of NHS Scotland staff in driving innovation

Responding to a Holyrood motion from Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Neil Gray, on 'The Adoption of Innovation in Health and Social Care’, InnoScot Health has championed the role of NHS Scotland staff in making a valued contribution to such transformative ambitions.

All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Healthcare Workers established to highlight key areas of concern

The new All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Healthcare Workers held its inaugural meeting yesterday in Parliament. The group, organised by the Medical Defence Union (MDU), has been established to highlight key areas of concern for healthcare professionals and discuss potential solutions.

World-first portable whole blood rapid test for concussions launches in the UK

In a significant step forward, a whole blood test for mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) – commonly referred to as concussions – is now available in the UK. The test enables healthcare providers to assess patients with suspected concussion at the patient's bedside and obtain lab-quality results in 15 minutes.

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