Discrimination stops temp workers speaking up

An investigation has revealed that a culture of fear and discrimination is preventing temporary staff from raising concerns over safety. So how can we strive to address a more open culture of learning, where staff feel safe to speak up?

The importance of effectively managing swabs

Following the publication of the HSSIB report, Tracey Pavier-Grant describes how an effective risk management strategy for the disposal of swabs can help prevent Never Events and provide surgical teams with peace of mind.

Risk of surgical swabs being left inside patients

The Health Services Safety Investigations Body (HSSIB) investigated the risk of unintentional ‘retained’ swabs after invasive procedures, having examined the case of a patient who had two swabs left in her chest, following serious heart surgery.

Martha’s Rule: implementation and key priorities

The Westminster Health Forum recently brought together stakeholders, clinical leaders and policymakers to discuss the implementation of Martha’s Rule, which aims to provide patients, families, carers and staff with 24/7 access to a rapid review, from a separate critical care team, when concerns arise about a patient’s deteriorating condition. Louise Frampton reports.

Driving patient and workforce safety

In the complex and ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the emphasis on patient and healthcare worker safety has become increasingly paramount. September’s World Patient Safety Day serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of these issues. To mark this occasion, we delve into the work of the Association of British HealthTech Industries (ABHI) Patient Safety Group.

The challenges of surgical provision in Africa

Kate Woodhead highlights the surgical safety challenges experienced in African regions and shares her insights from a recent visit to Rwanda by Friends of African Nursing.

Blame culture persists, warns new report

Action is needed to tackle the persistence of blame cultures and fear of speaking up in the NHS. This is according to the latest report by Patient Safety Learning. So, how can we strive to achieve ‘a culture of safety’, where staff feel able to speak up and organisations learn from mistakes without apportioning blame?

Medical registries and MDR: striking a delicate balance

Mr Keith Tucker, FRCS, Chairman of the Orthopaedic Data Evaluation Panel (ODEP) and the Beyond Compliance Advisory Group, discusses how registries can reduce the risk of fewer treatment options under the new medical device regulations. He explores the delicate balance needed to navigate the new regulatory landscape, while ensuring patient safety is prioritised.

NHS rolls out ‘Martha’s Rule’ to help save lives

This month, ‘Martha’s Rule’ is being rolled out in hospitals across England, enabling patients and families to seek an urgent review if their condition deteriorates.

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