Researchers from Bradford are to spearhead a project to improve patient safety after being awarded a £2 million grant by the National Institute for Health Research.
The six-year study – led by researchers at the Bradford Institute for Health Research (BIHR) and the University of York – will involve nearly 1,000 patients. Professor John Wright, of BIHR, who will lead the project, commented: “Initiatives to improve patient safety have so far focused on ways in which healthcare is organised and delivered, and getting doctors and nurses to adopt safer working practices. There has been little involvement of patients in shaping safety improvement measures. Our study will explore how best to achieve this, and make the best use of the patient experience to improve safety.” Peter Walsh, chief executive of AvMA, said the study closed a major research gap: “Patients have a unique role to play in observing the way their care is provided and the safety of their environment. By drawing on their experiences, we hope to broaden our knowledge and expertise about safety which will benefit the wider NHS.”