A new toolkit presented by the new Renal Tsar, Donal O’Donoghue, advises staff on the steps that they can take to minimise the risk of MRSA bloodstream infections in renal dialysis.
Speaking at the Reducing Healthcare Associated Infections in Renal Medicine event, Professor Brian Duerden said: “Better surveillance of healthcare associated infections has enabled us to focus on areas of greater risk. We now have more information about how to help reduce MRSA bloodstream infections in renal patients.
By embedding good infection prevention and control across renal units, this toolkit will help NHS staff improve reliability and safety across renal services. These tools will enable renal staff to make their contribution towards their Trust’s goal of a 50% reduction in MRSA bacteraemia.
Donal O’Donoghue commented: “The safety of patients and the quality of the care that they receive in and beyond renal units is paramount. NHS staff are already working hard to ensure highquality care for renal patients, helping patients to start dialysis in a planned way which reduces the risk of infection.
“This safer practice initiative directly links with the Renal NSF that identifies early detection of kidney disease and planned multiprofessional care in the year before dialysis as key priorities. Starting dialysis in a planned fashion greatly reduces MRSA and other HCAI for kidney patients.”