NICE has published a set of new proposed indicators for the 2013/14 Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). This scheme, which is run by the Department of Health, focuses on driving up the quality of care.
The final recommended ‘menu’ of indicators will help target resources where they are needed most and deliver the best patient outcomes. The selection of the final indicators for inclusion within the 2013/14 QOF will be decided by NHS Employers, on behalf of the UK health departments, and the General Practitioners Committee of the British Medical Association. Final QOF indicators will be published by NHS Employers in winter 2012-13. The menu comprises one new clinical area (rheumatoid arthritis) and 16 new proposed indicators. There are four new indicators on rheumatoid arthritis (RA) which cover practices producing a register of all patients aged 16 years and over with RA, and patients with RA being assessed for cardiovascular risk and fracture risk. Two new indicators are for men with diabetes which highlight asking them about erectile dysfunction and offering advice on treatment options as needed. There are also indicators on offering patients with heart failure and COPD rehabilitation programmes, and further proposed indicators on hypertension. Indicators are based on the most up-todate evidence and have been piloted across a range of practices with the support of the Health and Social Care Information Centre.