At its annual conference this year, The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) launched NICE Pathways. This online tool for health and social care professionals is designed to bring together all connected NICE guidance on a particular topic in a user-friendly electronic flowchart.
In the past there has been no easy way to see at a glance everything NICE has said on a specific condition across all its separate published guidance. This digital resource now enables users to quickly view and navigate NICE guidance and other tools on any given topic across an entire care pathway. The 18 pathways launched at the conference cover alcohol-use disorders, anaemia management in chronic kidney disease, breast cancer, chronic heart failure, chronic kidney disease (CKD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), dementia, depression, diabetes, diabetes in pregnancy, diet, glaucoma, neonatal jaundice, physical activity, postnatal care, smoking, stroke, and venous thromboembolism (VTE) prevention. Covering the whole range of different types of NICE advice this is said to be part of a wider move to provide a more personalised, audiencefocused way of looking at NICE guidance. The pathways are available on the NICE website at and the NHS Evidence website at