Nick Westall, Chief Technology Officer of Athera Healthcare, explores the many ways data is being processed across the NHS to convert it into actionable insights that help deliver better patient care, outcomes and safety
The NHS now holds one of the richest healthcare datasets in the world and it's growing minute-by-minute, as the drive for a digital-first NHS continues. The challenge isn't the collection of data - that's abundant. The real challenge is how to turn these data-based 'breadcrumbs' into actionable insights - to create a single source of truth, where vital health learnings are gained, and areas for improvement can be identified. One of the many ways that's being achieved is through clinical audits.
Used across the NHS — and beyond — clinical audits help ensure healthcare is being delivered to the highest possible standards. Commissioned locally and nationally, these audits help paint the most accurate picture of what's happening within healthcare. They systematically assess where services are being delivered well and where challenges are being experienced.
A great example of the impact clinical audits can make, especially in striving to achieve a single source of truth, was recently found within maternity care.
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