Efficient reduction of bioaerosols in hospitals

There is an increasing focus on the need to address the infection risk posed by bioaerosols in healthcare settings. Sanathoi Bachaspatimayum looks at how hospitals can balance infection prevention and sustainability, using effective air filtration.

The NHS has been working to reduce carbon footprint since 20081 and aims to be the world's first Net Zero national health service.2 In 2020, the NHS set targets to reach Net Zero by 2040 for the emissions it directly controls, and for the emissions it can influence by 2045. It launched the Greener NHS programme to help achieve these targets.3

One of the most overlooked aspects of carbon emission and footprint is the role of indoor air quality (IAQ). Since the start of the pandemic, hospitals began increasing the use of mechanical ventilation to reduce the bioaerosol load. The impact of this action on Net Zero targets are considerable:

Increasing ventilation may lower infection rates by diluting the air, but it doesn't remove particles from the air. By focusing on an effective air filtration system, hospitals can not only improve patient outcomes, but also reduce their carbon emission and footprint. This article aims to highlight that filtration with ventilation is a vital part of indoor air quality and can help balance infection rate and sustainability in hospitals.

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