Improving hand washing with fluorescent disclosing soap

Each year, World Hand Hygiene Day brings into focus the need for training and education. Engaging the global workforce of 65 million health workers in training and education is critical to deliver improvement. So, why is sharing knowledge about hand hygiene still so important? The simple answer is that clean hands are safe hands.

Handwashing has the power to break the infection cycle and bring down healthcare associated infection. As part of a mulit-modal approach, hand washing to a good standard gets results and saves lives.

Handicheck was created by experts at The Hannlie Company using experience in microbiology and engineering, food and medical industries. This innovative solution for improving handwashing techniques and raising standards offers a new tool for use in the medical, pharma, care, food and education industries, where infection control is critical. 

Handicheck provides an innovative solution to providing engaging, effective, personal training of effective handwashing techniques, in a modern way that can be monitored. Verification and compliance targets can be set with the Handicheck and progress can be targeted and audited.

‘Wash check and go’ saves time and brings focus in a variety of settings, supporting the training of clinians, communities and employees where hand hygiene can help to reduce the transmission of infection. This visual indicator and handwash system works with the UV lights in the unit to allow repeat washing and checking of hands, to ensure all areas have been washed. Unique to Handicheck, the system is designed to be used sink side, which current 'black box and gel' systems do not easily allow. 

Featuring a compact and light weight unit, non-touch dispensing sensors and UV light, this patented and innovative solution provides a portable, or in-situ, sink-side solution in many healthcare settings. It can be used as a daily reminder to focus on handwashing techniques or as an audit verification tool, grading progress by levels of success in removing the UV soap from hands. The ‘disclosing tablet’ system for hands encourages raised standards, improvement in practices, and facilitates audit compliance. 

Ultimately, breaking the infection cycle is critical. The Handicheck & Handisoap compact and patented system can help to raise standards. Supporting audit, by using the grading scale, targets can be set and improvements scored.

Easy to use and set up, at low cost, it gets people’s attention and gets results – taking the guess work out of hand hygiene.

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