Getting back to basics with IP&C

One of Europe’s largest Infection Prevention and Control Conferences is set to take place in Birmingham at The National Conference Centre. The two-day event will bring together over 800 attendees each day to explore the latest initiatives from the IP&C Arena.

 In addition to the conference programme, the event will host workshops on best practice case studies and showcase the latest innovations aimed at preventing HCAIs. 

One of Europe’s largest Infection Prevention and Control Conferences is set to take place in Birmingham at The National Conference Centre. The two-day event will bring together over 800 attendees each day to explore the latest initiatives from the IP&C Arena. In addition to the conference programme, the event will host workshops on best practice case studies and showcase the latest innovations aimed at preventing HCAIs. 

Organised by Knowlex, Infection Prevention and Control (IP&C) 2023 will discuss key IP&C strategies in health and community settings – including effective hand hygiene approaches, the use of digital technology to monitor infection transmission and spread, surgical site surveillance, device related infection prevention practices, antibiotic stewardship and much more

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