Sickness absence has been a long-standing problem throughout work sectors and with the costs at over £13 billion, it is unsurprising that the Commercial Occupational Health Providers Association (COHPA) has called for the Med 3 sick note to be overhauled.
COHPA is calling for the current Med 3 sick note to be replaced with an Absence Advice Note (AAN) which will provide details such as an accurate diagnosis, the employee’s ability to work or suggested adjustments needed and details of treatment being given by the GP or specialist. COHPA recognises that such alterations to the current practice will increase the burden GPs face with the issuing of sickness certificates and therefore recommend that a reasonable fee should be covered by the Government, the employer or insurance to ease this.
The use of Occupational Health (OH) should also become an integral part of managing sickness absence and the AAN should provide details of whether this type of intervention would assist with the employee’s return to work.
Many employers would be willing to follow the recommendations of an OH professional in order to aide their employee’s rehabilitation. As evidence shows that returning to work, even if not to regular duties, hastens the employee’s ability to return to normal function and conversely suggests that the isolation caused by being absent only damages health further.