NICE is currently developing recommendations aimed at ensuring safe staffing levels on wards.
NICE has issued a statement that ‘patient needs must come first when determining safe staffing for nursing in wards’. In the wake of the Francis inquiry, there has been intense debate about cuts to staffing levels and the impact this has on safety. But what exactly constitutes safe staffing levels on a ward? To help Trusts tackle this issue, NICE has developed draft recommendations, which are now open for public consultation until 10 June 2014.
The guidance recognises that if each registered nurse is caring for more than eight patients during the day time, on a regular basis, there is an increased risk of harm. It stresses the importance of checking if patient needs are adequately being met. The lead nurse should consider any ‘red flag events' as indicators that the ward is in danger of being under-staffed and therefore tailor the number of available nursing staff as needed. The draft guideline also calls for hospital boards and senior management to take greater responsibility and includes step-by-step guidance on how to determine the number of nursing staff that should be funded.
The final guideline is expected to be published in July 2014. Visit: