Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust (LCH) has revealed that more than 1 in 10 outpatients do not turn up for appointments, costing the NHS in wasted resources.
Frances Molloy, chair of LCH said: “Do not attends (DNAs) are a major problem costing us thousands of staff hours and using up precious appointment time, which could be used to service other outpatients who need clinical support.” LCH has been working to reduce its DNA figures through initiatives such as flexible appointment times and sending out reminders to outpatients when their appointment is due. Frances Molloy said: “We are determined to reduce the cost of DNAs and the impact they have on outpatient appointments. The service has implemented initiatives such as reducing unnecessary appointments where patients are likely not to turn up, making it easier for patients to make and cancel appointments and offering appointment reminders both by post and text.” The figures from LCH predict that in 2011 patients DNAs will cost several £100,000s in lost man hours. Services such as podiatry, dietetics and the treatment rooms could lose more than £600,000 in staff hours over the next 12 months. However, with the initiatives LCH is putting in place to tackle this, it is hoped the figures will be much less than this.