Monitor, the NHS Foundation Trust regulator has recently published its nine month review of NHS Foundation Trusts for 2010-11. The results have revealed that the majority of NHS foundation trusts continue to perform well in testing circumstances, but some longer-term challenges remain.
Throughout 2010-11, Monitor has been tracking key issues identified through analysis of Trusts’ annual plans and ongoing regulatory scrutiny. At the nine month stage, the average financial risk rating of foundation trusts has improved slightly from 3.5 to 3.6 (where 5 represents the lowest risk and 1 represents the highest risk). On governance risk, the majority (57%) are rated as Green (lowest risk), and there has also been a slight reduction in the number of Foundation Trusts rated at the highest risk. Commenting on the results, Monitor’s chair, Dr David Bennett said: “This is proving to be a challenging year for Foundation Trusts, but we are encouraged by their performance so far. The majority appear to be well run from both a quality and finance perspective. “However, there can be no room for complacency. The pressure on local health economies is significant and we are anticipating that contract disputes between Foundation Trusts and their commissioners will be a bigger issue in the fourth quarter and possibly next year. Foundation Trusts will be affected by commissioners’ need to make savings and it is essential that Trusts and their commissioners, including the new pathfinder GP Consortia, work together to find a mutually acceptable response to this challenge.”