IMOTECH MEDICAL is the UK sole supplier of Fujinon Endoscopes and associated equipment manufactured by the medical division of Fujifilm Corporation.
With a focus on technical service and support excellence, Imotech Medical is increasingly becoming a supplier of choice for healthcare professionals in the endoscopy and gastroenterology field. In keeping with its tradition of state-of-the-art technology, Imotech Medical has pioneered the development of the Surescope 3Di Scope Positioning System. The Surescope 3Di Scope Positioning System is compatible with all makes and models of endoscopes (>2.8 mm channel), uses real time 3D graphics, and offers a record and playback facility to aid training. Surescope 3Di is a single trolley system allowing easy integration with existing equipment, and uses an articulated receiver dish with enhanced range for better patient positioning.