In 2019, mobile medical unit provider EMS Healthcare announced the launch of the UK’s largest mobile decontamination unit, in partnership with Cantel (UK).
Introduced at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust’s (UHL) Glenfield General Hospital, the Quad Mobile Decontamination Unit is currently supporting theatre and endoscopy reprocessing while the hospital commissions and builds a permanent facility.
With Glenfield General set to benefit from an exciting multimillion-pound investment in new endoscopy facilities (as part of a wider redevelopment of hospital estates throughout Leicestershire, with physical work set to begin in 2021), UHL recognised the need for a flexible solution to provide a reliable stepping-stone during this period.
Following the unit’s introduction, the hospital has seen an immediate boost to reprocessing capacity (by an additional 240 scopes per day). This has allowed Glenfield General to continue to deliver its endoscopy service, and also support the Alliance.
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