Bender UK clinical solutions are now available to purchase on the NHS Supply Chain framework.
The new framework started on 14 April 2020 and will run for a minimum of 23 months. It offers an effective route to market for clinical technologies, at competitive prices, to provide a whole theatre solution for clinical procurement, EBME and capital projects teams.
Bender products listed on the framework are:
- Grand Promerix operating table
- Smarter Practico including the Ultra-Low operating table
- Rapido patient trolley
- Q-Flow 4 & 6i operating lights
- Q-Flow Mobile operating lights
- Contempo clinical pendants
Known for the design and installation of critical care power for Group 2 medical locations, Bender UK has repositioned itself as a major supplier of full turnkey theatre equipment packages over the last five years. Together with key partners such as Merivaara Corporation of Finland, Bender UK has invested significantly in skills, a theatre showroom, demonstration stock, training and the completion of many hospital projects.
Paul Owen, Clinical Sales Manager at Bender UK said, “Although Covid-19 is having an impact on surgery across the country, theatres, operating lights and tables are still in use and so the requirement to replace old or damaged stock still exists. Our manufacturing process is unaffected by any current Covid-19 supply chain issues and we can still supply spares, bespoke tables and accessories. Despite being unable to conduct trials at this moment in time, we can offer webinars, videos and other training resources if requested.
A huge amount of work has gone on behind the scenes into getting us to where we are today. We are delighted our equipment has been accepted onto the NHS framework, which allows customers a more convenient and cost-effective purchasing method once they have made their decision.”
All Bender products are available from stock or with a competitive lead time, with the team working around the clock to support urgent requests during the Coronavirus outbreak.
To access the framework visit: