Hygiena and Healthcare Hygiene

Maintaining a rigorous cleaning schedule is essential to keeping patient rooms, operating suites and key equipment clean.

Hygiena technologies are used in healthcare globally to help healthcare facilities verify cleanliness procedures and form a fundamental basis for further sterilisation. These technologies include:




--The new EnSURE™ Touch Monitoring System, a next-generation ATP monitoring system that collects, analyzes and reports data from multiple quality tests such as, water quality, indicator microorganisms, and process indicators (residual enzyme activity). The system provides a multi-functional tool for monitoring quality and safety parameter in healthcare and other industries.

--UltraSnap™ Surface ATP tests, a user-friendly device that samples for ATP

--SuperSnap™ High-sensitivity ATP tests, Hygiena’s most sensitive surface test

--MediCheck protein residue tests, a colorimetric test that determines overall protein presence on disinfectors, tools, and surgical equipment

Hygiena’s UltraSnap™ Surface ATP Test received Performance Tested MethodSM certification from the AOAC-RI on the new EnSURE™ Touch luminometer, demonstrating the systems’ sensitivity, reliability and robust operation. The certification is a modification of Hygiena’s existing AOAC-RI certification of the UltraSnap using the EnSURE luminometer.

Data submitted to the AOAC demonstrates the system to have a high level of sensitivity with a limit of detection of 1.28 femtomoles of ATP and high degree of consistency and accuracy.

The EnSURE Touch is accompanied by the latest version of Hygiena’s SureTrend Data Analysis Software, SureTrend Cloud. The updated software is available in a cloud-based format and enables users to monitor, track, and trend testing results across one or multiple facilities, and easily configure one or hundreds of monitoring systems from a single SureTrend Cloud account.

The new EnSURE Touch has been shown to share the same high linearity and accuracy and low variance of its predecessor instruments. These instruments have been proven successful in several healthcare settings:

  • Several ambulance services in Great Britain that provide emergency care for the country’s National Health Service used Hygiena ATP monitoring equipment to conduct post-cleaning assessment and monitoring of five high-risk areas in the cab (where the driver sits) and five areas in the patient area. The study showed the effectiveness of ATP-based cleaning verification, established valuable thresholds limits and highlighted possible design changes that could help prevent contamination and improve infection control.
  • Part of the US state of Maryland’s Patient Safety Initiative, a “Clean Collaborative” expanded on US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations to reduce risks of hospital acquired infections (HAIs), particularly Clostridium difficile. The Collaborative is the first of its scale in the United States and involved using a predecessor of the new EnSURE Touch ATP sanitation monitoring system to determine cleanliness levels and efforts in participating facilities. The SystemSURE Plus ATP monitoring system was a cost-effective and efficient method to determine the success of these collaborative cleaning efforts.

Hygiena delivers rapid microbial detection, monitoring, and identification solutions to a wide range of industries, including healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and personal care. Utilizing advanced technologies and patented designs, Hygiena provides industry-leading ATP monitoring systems, PCR-based pathogen detection and characterization systems, allergen tests, environmental collection devices, and more.


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