If you are responsible for reprocessing medical devices and interested in two hours free CPD, then check out schülke UK’s new online course, based on five articles published in the Clinical Services Journal. All five articles are available online at the schülke learning site, as well as in a reprint booklet which is also available from schülke.
Once you’ve registered, you can read and revisit the articles whenever it suits you, and answer the questions at the end of each module to test what you’ve learnt. Your course progress is automatically saved until you next revisit the site. All team members can sign up to the course, then track their progress.
The five modules cover:
‘Reprocessing flexible endoscopes’ by Wolfgang Merkens, which will help you gain an understanding of the issues around the selection of the most suitable disinfectants for the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes.
‘The importance of pre-cleaning in reprocessing flexible endoscopes’ also by Wolfgang Merkens gives the opportunity to learn about the importance and role of pre-cleaning as well as the use of enzymatic detergents in the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes.
'Advantages of enzymatic detergents for the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes' written by Dr Tim Sandle examines why the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes is such an important and challenging process. Meticulous cleaning is viewed as an essential prerequisite to disinfection. While there are factors to observe when using enzymatic detergents, such as using personal protective clothing to protect staff, these factors can easily be managed through standardised protocols. Cleaning efficacy can be enhanced through the use of detergents formulated with enzymes to increase the cleaning activity via the effective breakdown of different types of soil.
'Effective decontamination of reusable surgical instruments' gives an insight by Trevor Garcia into the challenges and opportunities encountered when installing a new washer disinfector. After almost a year’s use, an evaluation of the new machine’s performance (including the use of thermosept X-tra) has shown that failed cycles reduced by over 50%. Any rejects from the washer disinfectors are monitored by a tracking system on a weekly basis, the figures have always been low, but with the new machine, they have reduced further.
'Key regulations - Disinfection by the rules' written by Clare Clark examines what the term ‘Medical Device’ actually means and why this is significant to the reprocessing of flexible endoscopes. Regulations and directives surrounding the production and sale of disinfectants into the healthcare sector are complex. These regulations are of significance to NHS Trusts and some understanding is required to ensure that chosen cleaning and disinfection products meet legal requirements for use in the hospital environment. Also, as various EU directives come into force, a number of products which have not undergone the necessary processes and approvals will cease to be available.
schülke UK, Cygnet House, 1 Jenkin Road, Meadowhall, Sheffield, S9 1AT
0114 254 3500 / www.schuelke.com / email: mail.uk@schuelke.com