The digitisation of downstream administrative processes such as medical education is key to delivering a sustainable NHS. In particular, new rules from Health Education England regarding medical education funding means there is now a heavy onus on PGME departments to maintain accurate and robust records of study leave that can be securely accessed in real time.
Ryan Campbell and John Bauchop from Hicom discuss how the digitisation of downstream administrative processes such as medical education is key to delivering a sustainable NHS. In particular, new rules from Health Education England regarding medical education funding means here is now a heavy on us on PGME departments to maintain accurate and robust records of study leave that can be securely accessed in real time.
When the new Health and Social Care secretary, Matt Hancock, recently pledged £75 million to help NHS Trusts acquire digital systems to drive efficiencies, the national narrative understandably focused on the benefits to patient care.
Hancock told staff at West Suffolk Hospital that the money would “help jump start the rollout of innovative technology aimed at improving care for patients.”
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