On 27 February 2019, 500 colleagues from the “whole health economy” will review the Serious Infection CQUIN 2017-2019 results at Infection Prevention and Control 2019, taking place at The Brewery, London.
In 2016 Former Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, launched new plans to reduce infections in the NHS and halve the number of gram-negative bloodstream infections by 2020. The programme of actions included the Serious Infection CQUIN 2017-2019.
Speakers at Infection Prevention and Control 2019 will not only review the results, but look forward to see what progress is still required to achieve the 2020 targets. The event will review the latest NHSE/PHE/NHSI reporting trends and share local best practice on subjects including Sepsis, E. coli, UTIs and SSIs. It will also showcase the latest industry innovations and technologies in our networking area.
E. coli infections – which represent 65% of what are called gram-negative infections – killed more than 5500 NHS patients last year. This will cost the NHS £2.3 billion in 2018. There is also a large variation in hospital infection rates. The worst performers having more than five times the number of cases than the best performing hospitals.
With so much of the government’s focus on hospital infection, NHS Improvement’s plans on tackling infection rates take a “whole health economy” approach have been welcomed by many. This supports the fact that over 70% of e coli infection is acquired in a community setting.
Infection rates can be cut with better hygiene and improved patient care in healthcare settings. Measures such as ensuring staff, patients and visitors regularly wash their hands can deliver improvement. People using insertion devices such as catheters, which are often used following surgery, can develop infections like E. coli.
These plans build on the progress made in infection control since 2010 – the number of MRSA cases has been reduced by 57 and C. difficile by 45.
Dr Ruth May, new national infection and prevention lead, who spoke at the previous Infection Prevention and Control conference, said: “This is a clear plan to achieve real change across the NHS focusing on a combination of strict oversight from the CQC and the collection, publication and intelligent use of data which will ensure organisations improve infection control and help us to make sure poor performers get the support they need to improve quickly.”
Speakers include Jonathan Van Tam (deputy chief medical officer) and Celia Ingham-Clark from NHS Improvement, who will explore the latest news in the IPC world.
For more information, or to register, contact David Nicholls on 0161 696 4868, or visit www.infectioncontrol2019.co.uk