Friends of African Nursing (FoAN) a small UK based charity is expanding its education portfolio with the launch of a series of modules of on-line education on topics designed to assist the delivery of safe care to surgical patients.
Since 2001, Friends of African Nursing has delivered face-to-face education in ten African countries and has educated more than 1700 nurses and healthcare staff in that time. In order to reach a broader audience and more nurses, working in partnership with Wellards, FoAN will be making education available to increasingly connected and tech savvy African nurses as well as continuing to deliver focused perioperative and leadership education in some countries. Initially there are three modules of education available for the launch but during the next few months more will be added and made available to the nurses.
Kate Woodhead, chair of trustees, said: “We are very excited about this development. It will mean that we can extend our reach to nurses ensuring that up to date surgical practice and perioperative education is available for them at the click of a mouse. We will be adding many new topics during this next year to add to the portfolio.”